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Creating Websites

Learn to create websites using Google Sites and WordPress

Publishing Your Site

Your site will need to be published in order for others to view your content. When you are ready to publish your site, you will be taken back through options to change/upgrade your domain name. You will need to scroll past the paid options to the bottom to find your current domain choice (

Also, for the 2nd step you will be taken back through the options to upgrade your WordPress version, but you can continue to use the free one by selecting the start with a free site option. Don't worry, it seems like you are starting over again, but this is just the step to launch your current site. Once you choose this option, your site will be published and you will be taken back to the Admin panel.

If you change your mind after you make your site public and prefer to keep the site private, you can navigate to the Settings and change it back to private or to show "Coming Soon".

Site Settings Private Public and Coming Soon for WordPress