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Brief overview of the research tool, ResearchRabbit

Other Important Features

  • The "Explore Other Content" section provides links to instances where items from your collection have been linked, cited, and/or mentioned online.
  • This includes blog posts, Wikipedia pages, news articles, etc., serving as altmetrics integration.
  • Public Collection:
    • Allows anybody to view and interact with your collection.
    • Demo Collection is an example, allowing quick access for interested parties.
    • By default, adding papers to a public collection is restricted, but you can duplicate it for personal modifications.
    • Creation of shareable links facilitates access to the collection.
  • Collaborators:
    • Add specific people via email addresses to a collection.
    • Manage permissions for adding papers or solely interacting with the collection.
  • Email Updates:
    • Also known as "Rabbit Radar," this feature scans new works for citation networks and relevant topics.
    • Significant papers related to your collection prompt email notifications sent weekly on Sundays.
  • PDF Downloads:
    • Some papers offer a PDF button for accessing Open Access versions.
    • Not all papers are Open Access, so availability may vary.
    • For Zotero users, using the browser connector streamlines saving and downloading PDFs to your library.
  • Zotero Sync:
    • Re-sync your Zotero library with ResearchRabbit to maintain up-to-date collections.
    • Sync includes papers, metadata, and notes, generating comments within ResearchRabbit.
  • Comments:
    • Add comments on individual papers within your collection.
    • Helpful for reminders, noting important facets, and organizing papers for your work.