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Zotero Citation Management Tool

A citation management tool helps you keep track of and organize various references for a paper or project. It also helps you to quickly create citations for your resources in a selected format (APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.)

Accessing ZoteroBib

Need to create a bibliography quickly without downloading or installing anything to your computer? If you're looking for an easy, quick, free and open-source solution consider using ZoteroBib -

Adding Citations

To create a bibliography, open ZoteroBib in your browser and add an item to the Cite box and click the Cite button. You can add items by entering the URL, ISBN, DOI, PMID, arXiv ID or title of the article, book or website that you would like to cite.

Adding a citation to zoterobib

Once the information is imported, you can edit, delete, or cite the entry. Selecting the Edit option opens up a form with information about the citation and allows you to see what has been imported. Here you may edit any fields if needed. Click the Done button to save changes.

Edit an entry in zoterobib

For title searches ZoteroBib will search for a match and then ask you to select the correct option. Select the article that you want to use from the list provided.


Choose a citation from a list with similar titles


You can also use the web address for articles from One Search or any search tool to generate a citation. Just copy the complete URL and paste it into the citation box. ZoteroBib will generate the citation for you.


Adding a URL to zoterobib from OneSearch


You may also use the Manual Entry button and enter information for the source directly into ZoteroBib.


Manual Entry option in zoterobib


Saving the Bibliography

Once you have all of your citations ready to go, scroll down to the Bibliography section and select your citation style. Clicking on the down arrow will open up more options. 

citation style dropdown menu in zoterobib

Some of the most popular styles are listed first, but selecting the 9400+ other styles available… option allows you to search and add almost any style available.

zoterobib search and add styles option

Exporting and Saving

To save your bibliography, scroll down to the Export section, click the Copy to Clipboard button, and paste the contents from here into your document. If you select the down arrow on the Copy to Clipboard button, you can also choose to download or save in different formats including HTML for use in webpages, RTF for use in your word processor, or other formats to be imported into a citation manager later.

*Note: To preserve appropriate formatting to be used in a word processor, including indentations, select the Download RTF option.

Copy to Clipboard button - export citations from zoterobib




ZoteroBib saves your bibliography locally, so even if you close the page and then return later, your information will still be available. The information remains available until you clear your browser's cache or delete the items directly. 

If you'd like to share your bibliography or keep a copy to use on another browser or computer, under the Link to this version section select the Create button. You'll be provided a link for your citations and the link will be accessible for six months.

Link to the version Create button

For more helpful information about getting started with ZoteroBib, please consult the ZoteroBib FAQs section.