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Zotero Citation Management Tool

A citation management tool helps you keep track of and organize various references for a paper or project. It also helps you to quickly create citations for your resources in a selected format (APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.)

Configuring Citations Styles

Configure your citation style from within Zotero by selecting Edit > Preferences and choosing the Cite option. You may choose from one of the built-in options or you can choose from over 8,000 additional styles which can be found in the Zotero Style Repository.

Using Zotero with Word

If you installed the plugin add-in for Word, you will see a Zotero option appear in the menu. To add or edit a citation, select the Add/Edit Citation option and a pop-up box with documentation preferences will appear.

 Zotero in Word

Your default citation style will be selected, but if you want to choose another option, you may change it here. 

Zotero Document Preferences Options

Next, a red Zotero search box will appear. You can search through your content to find the citation you want. Click the citation and it will be added to the document using the style you selected in the previous step.

Zotero Search Box in Word

Continue to add citations throughout your document using the Add/Edit Citation option.

To add the bibliography to the document, select the Add/Edit Bibliography option. Your bibliography will be added to the end of your document, and any new citations you include will automatically be added to the bibliography.  If you remove any citations and they still show in your bibliography, select the Refresh option to update the bibliography.

If you need to change the bibliographic styles choose the Document Preferences option.

Using Zotero with Google Docs

If you have installed the Google Connector plugin for Chrome or Firefox and open Google Docs, you should see a Zotero menu item. 

Zotero Menu in Google Docs

You will be able to add/edit citations and your bibliography from within the Google Docs environment. Please note that you will need to have the Zotero desktop open in order for this feature to work.

To add a citation select Add/edit citation. A red search bar should appear and you can search for your citation and press enter to insert it into the document.

Red Zotero Search Bar for Google Docs

To add a bibliography select Add/edit bibliography and your bibliography will be added to the end of your document. As you include more citations, those items will be automatically added to the bibliography. If you remove a citation or if something does not appear in the bibliography use the Refresh option to make the changes appear.

Please note if you have several browser windows open, the Zotero search bar may appear behind one of the open browser windows. You may have to minimize other windows in order to see it.


Quick Copy

The fastest and easiest way to add reference information to your document is by using Zotero's Quick Copy feature. Whether you are adding items to a blog post, email or document, you can add items one of two ways:

Drag and Drop

To add items, simply select the items from the center column you wish to include, and drag them to any program that accepts text fields. Holding down Shift while dragging will copy the citation instead of the reference information.

Drag and Drop Citations

Select and Right-click

Highlight the items you would like to include, right-click and select Create Bibliography from Items...Create Bibliography from Selected Items

From here a pop-up box will give you a chance to choose your citation style, mode and method of output. You can choose if you want citation or bibliography and how you want to create the output: RTF, HTML, Copy to Clipboard, or Print.

Create Citation/Bibliography Pop-Up


Configuring Quick Copy

To configure the Quick Copy features, Select Edit >Preferences and click on the Export tab.  From here you can select the default export format, set up site-specific export settings and choose whether to include HTML markup when copying.