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Library Collections

Kanopy Licensing Change

Due to escalating costs and licensing concerns, we have changed our access model to the streaming film platform, Kanopy.


Why the change?

Kanopy operates on a patron-driven acquisition (PDA) model. Each time a film is triggered (after the fourth, 30 second viewing of a title) the library is charged $130 for unlimited campus-wide access for one year. The trigger happens behind the scenes and the viewer is unaware when a film is triggered. After a year's time, the access expires until the film is again triggered for automatic purchase for a subsequent 1-year lease (another $130).


This model is not financially sustainable without mediating access and giving priority to curricular and course related uses only. In moving to mediated mode, titles can no longer be accidentally triggered, only intentionally subscribed. If our current expenditures for Kanopy are not contained then our ability to support other resources may be affected.


What does this mean for me?

We have transitioned Kanopy from an unmediated user experience to a mediated one. Any films for which we have 1-year licenses will still be available for immediate viewing (see here for a list). Films not yet licensed will not be immediately accessible.


How to request a film via Kanopy

Library users will need to fill out a request form on the Kanopy site, which will be sent to library staff for review. The library intends to use the following guidelines for purchasing access to films:

  • We will prioritize leasing films for course use

  • We will not lease films for recreational or general viewing

When filling out this form please include the name of the course for which you need the film. Library staff will investigate all options, including finding alternative access and the viability of purchasing a more permanent long-term solution based on course need.


Alternatives to Kanopy

Where possible, we ask you to consider using films from our other streaming media collections, free streaming media options, or the library & DVD collection. This helps to ensure that funding is available for films only available via Kanopy.

For alternatives to Kanopy, please visit a list of film resources: