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Research Papers in Chemistry

Here are some approaches and sources for your research project.

Scifinder-n Scholar

You can also find articles in Scifinder Scholar. It also includes reference information for substances, including chemical properties. Both of these skills will be used in future experiments.

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  • In reference search, focus on specific document types more likely to be primary sources. On the search results page, select clinical trialconferencejournal, and report from the left-hand tool bar.
    • Note: Select each limiter (i.e. clinical trial or conference) one at a time and wait for the results to reload before choosing another limiter.
  • On the search results page, the Sort by options can be helpful. Select Publication Year: Newest to get the most recent articles at the top of the list. Select Times Cited to get the most cited articles at the top of the list.
  • Read the abstract for descriptions that indicate the article is a primary source.
  • SciFinder-n Scholar is not a full-text database. It does not include article PDFs. Use the Full Text button to help find full text. See below in another box for more information.

Article Databases

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