Resource covering topics related to business, communications, economics, education, political science, social sciences and more from a variety of news media including newspapers, newswires, blogs, broadcast transcripts, journals.
It is important that you use regional/Texas newspapers for your journal and not rely only on the national publications. It is also important for you to learn how to find news from many different types of sources. A quick way to access numerous news sources (newspapers, local television transcripts, college newspapers, etc.) is via a database called "Access World News."
Go to Access World News and scroll down to the blue highlighted links on the right side. Click on "Houston Chronicle" or "San Antonio Express-News" or check out the "Texas News Sources" for about 300 other publications or news outlets.
You can also go to the database Access World News, click on the A-Z Source List on the top of the page, and find your newspaper that way.
Note that this database also contains blogs and other opinion/editorial pieces, so use your judgment and discretion when selecting your sources.