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SPMT 1314: Athletic Facility & Event Management

A guide to primary sources for SPMT 1314.

APA Citations - Secondary Sources

A quick guide to using the APA Style when citing non-archival sources (things like journal articles and books) in your historical essay and online exhibit. 

APA Citations - Archival Sources

How do you cite material from the University Archives? These examples show how to cite a press release found by a researcher in the University Archives. The press release was created by the TU Public Relations office in 1957, and is stored in Box 81-03, Folder 5, in the Public Relations Press Releases Collection. 

In-text citations: Enclose the creator's surname and date in brackets (and/or the title if the creator is unknown or you are citing multiple works by that creator with the same date).

Example: “...Joe Smith and John Greene were named All-Americans during their senior season (Trinity University Public Relations, 1957).”

Reference List citation: Author/Creator. (year, month day). Title [description of materials]. Name of collection (call number, identifier or box/folder number). Name and location of repository.

Example: Trinity University Public Relations. (1957, June 29). Student athletes named tennis All-Americans [press release]. Public Relations Press Releases (Box 81-03, Folder 5). Trinity University Special Collections & Archives, San Antonio, Texas.

APA Citations - Newspapers

APA citations for newspaper articles, such as articles from the Trinitonian, are a little bit different from a regular journal article. 

In-text citations: (Author Last, Year)

Example: "The library renovations began in late December (Marksteiner, 1996)." 

Reference List citations: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Newspaper Name, p. page number. 

Example: Marksteiner, K. (1996, December 6). Library construction to begin after finals. Trinitonian, p. 1. 

APA Citations - Oral Histories

In-text citations: (Last Name of interviewee, Year of interview)

Example: "The women's tennis team was formed in the 1960s (Meadows, 2018)." 

Reference List citations: Last Name, First Initial of interviewee. (Date of interview). Interview by First initial Last Name. Oral History Collection Title, Project Sponsor, Location. URL

Example: Meadows, B. (2018, March 7). Interview by D. Brackenridge. Trinity University Women's Athletics Oral History Project, Coates Library Special Collections & Archives, San Antonio, TX.

APA Citations - Archival Photographs (Online)

When citing digital collections of archival materials, it's important to provide enough information that future scholars can recreate your research. You will usually find this information in the metadata, or the description of the item. 

In-text citations: (Creator, year). Add additional information if needed to identify between multiple items from the same creator. 

Example: "Trinity University was coeducational, as seen in photographs of graduates (Trinity University, 1899)." alternate, if multiple images with same creator/year being used: (Trinity University, Graduating Class, 1899). 

Reference List citation: Author/Creator of the item. (Year, Month Day of creation). Title of item. Collection Name. Repository Name, Location. URL

Example: Trinity University. (1899). 1899 Graduating Class. Trinity University History. Coates Library Special Collections & Archives, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX.