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Instruction Room Guidelines

The guide includes procedures and rules for reserving and using instruction spaces and meeting rooms in the library.

Library room 103 and room 310 are able to be reserved in T-Space.

Room Guidelines

  1. Priority will be granted to instructional use by the library.
  2. Trinity faculty, staff, and students can request the use of the room when the room is not reserved for priority use.
  3. It may be used by classes using the space for library research materials, databases, or software.
  4. Reservations may be made no more than one week in advance through the tenth week of the semester. After the tenth week of the semester, requests may be submitted more than one week in advance.
  5. Submit requests for rooms through T-Space, the campus-wide calendaring and room reservation system. A confirmation will be sent after the request is approved. The room is not reserved until you receive approval confirmation.
  6. As a courtesy, please do not request a room for the same class period for longer than a week's time. Library rooms should not be seen as a surrogate for the assigned classroom.
  7. Rooms should not be reserved for a full day. Exceptions may be made on review.
  8. All rooms are to be left in the condition in which they were received. The requestor (faculty, staff, or student) is responsible for turning off lights and equipment and rearranging furniture if needed. 
  9. Any loss or damage to the equipment in the rooms is the responsibility of the requestor.