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Women's and Gender Studies Subject Guide

General research guide for WAGS coursework at Trinity.

Where are the PRINT books and how do I find them?

  • Most print books in the library about the social sciences (including Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, Law, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Women's Studies, and many more) are on the 2nd floor. These shelves are called the "stacks."
  • Each set of shelves holds books on different subjects, but the books are arranged so that books on similar topics will be shelved next to each other. Each subject has a code, which are the letters that begin each book's call number. 
  • Academic libraries like Coates Library use the Library of Congress Classification call numbers, known as the "LC classification."
  • Bookshelves are labeled with different call number ranges, for example, JQ1879-JQ4031. 
    • In this example, you will find a book with the call number JQ3881 .A73 2009 in that range of shelves, because it begins with a JQ and the number 3881 comes in between 1879 and 4031.
  • Books are generally arranged by subject, geography, and time period

Image of books arranged by Library of Congress call number to explain how call numbers work and look like

Find out more about reading call numbers here: California State University Northridge. You can always ask someone at our Library's Front Desk for assistance finding a book or a certain topic.