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University Archives - Transferring Records

This guide is for persons interested in transferring or donating material to the University Archives.

File Naming

Come up with a file naming structure and stick to it! File names should provide enough description so that the future user has an idea of what they are looking at.  

Here are some guidelines to follow:

1: Avoid using special characters in a file name. None of this: \ / : * ? “ < > | [ ] & $ , .

2: Use dashes or underscores instead. This is OK: - _

3:  Don’t make the file name too long. Use identifiable abbreviations.
     Example: TDC for Trinity Diversity Connection

4: The file name should include all necessary descriptive information independent of where it is stored. If you’re storing files in a folder titled the event name, the files within the folder need to have that same information.
    Example:  Incorrect: 001.tif
                    Correct: TDC_poster_allyship_001.tif

5: When important, Include dates, and format them consistently.
    Example: YYYY_MM_DD or YYYYMMDD

6: Manage versions of documents by using the letter “v” to represent “version number.” Use “FINAL” to indicate the final version of the document.
    Example: v01, v02, v03 

7: Reminder to be consistent!

8: There will be exceptions, and that is okay.

Finished Example: