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Interlibrary Loan

What you might want to know about our interlibrary loan (ILL) service

Pick up and return


  • Book, DVD, or CD
    • An email will tell you when it is here.
    • Pick it up at the Coates Library circulation desk. 
    • Please leave the maroon book strap  attached.
  • Electronic article or book chapter
    • An email will alert you to log on to ILLiad and choose the "Electronic Delivery" option from your main ILLiad menu.
    • Download and save your article or chapter now because it will be removed automatically from ILLiad after 60 days.  


  • Book, DVD, or CD
    • An email message will tell you when it is here. But wait, there's more! 
    • Circulation staff will deliver the item to your office! NOTE: UNAVAILABLE IF CAMPUS IS CLOSED FOR COVID-19.
    • Please leave the maroon book strap attached.
  • Electronic article or book chapter
    • An email will alert you to log on to ILLiad and choose the "Electronic Delivery" option from your main ILLiad menu. 
    • Download and save your article or chapter now because it will be removed automatically from ILLiad after 60 days.  


Return all your borrowed books, DVDs, and CDs to the Coates Library circulation desk. 

Please leave the maroon book strap attached!