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Annotating Digitally

Using Microsoft Edge PDF Viewer

The Microsoft Edge Browser allows for annotations to be done natively.

If you browse a pdf and open it, the annotation options will be available right inside the browser. If you have a pdf file that you would like to annotate using Microsoft Edge, simply use the Open With option and select the Microsoft Edge option. If you have not installed any other pdf viewers on your computer, Windows 10 will use Microsoft Edge as its default pdf viewer.

Open a PDF in Edge Using the Open With Option


Once the document is open in the browser...

Simply highlight the text you would like to add a comment to or highlight. An options menu bar will appear. Below is an example of highlighting a section of text. Selecting the highlighter icon will bring up the color options for the highlighter.


Microsoft Edge Markup Toolbar


To comment

Click the comment icon. 

Microsoft Edge Comments


Once you've finished your comment 

Be sure to select the checkmark in the upper right corner of the comment box to save it.


Save Comments Checkmark in Microsoft Edge


Be sure to save all of your changes.


Save Changes in Microsoft Edge