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Circulation and General Policy Information

Library borrowing and access policies

Circulation Information - TexShare

Circulation Information for TexShare Patrons


Faculty, staff, and students from institutions participating in the Texas statewide TexShare card program are eligible to borrow regular-collection materials from Trinity's Coates Library.  A valid institutional ID card, along with a valid TexShare card, must be presented at each check-out. 

Borrower’s Responsibility

Borrowers assume total liability for items checked out from the Coates Library, which includes payment for lost, damaged or mutilated items. Borrowers are responsible for making sure that items are properly returned for discharge from the Library’s circulation system. The responsibility and liability remain with the borrower until the item is properly discharged.

All library materials are subject to recall at which time the due dates are shortened and the overdue fines are increased. Recalled materials must be returned promptly if the borrower is to retain library privileges.

Loan Period and Renewals

You may have a maximum of 4 books checked out at one time. If there is a fine owed or if a book is overdue, renewals and checkouts will be blocked.

Books (including Children’s literature and East Asian books), government documents, maps, and printed music may be checked out for a period of four weeks (for Academic borrowers; Public borrowers have a borrowing period of two weeks) and can be renewed electronically one time if there are no holds or recalls placed on the items.  See Renewing Items for instructions on how to do this.

Materials that do not circulate are reference books, periodicals, Children’s textbooks, items marked "Non-Circulating," microforms, and materials housed in Media and in Special Collections.

Lockers, study rooms, interlibrary loans, and certain on-line databases are not available.

Fines and Replacement Charges

Below is the grace period and fine structure.  The maximum fine for overdue materials is $10.00 per item.  Charges for lost or damaged materials include the cost of the item (usually $50.00) plus a $20.00 processing fee.

Books, government documents, maps, and printed music:

  • Grace Period: 1 day
  • Fine: $1.00 per day
  • Fine if recalled: $1.00 per day