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Religion Subject Guide

This general guide is intended to help direct researchers to resources related to Religion.

Finding Biblical Books

Catalogs have a standard way of listing books about or from the Bible. However, the Library of Congress subject terms were changed recently, so two different formats are in use. Use both of the following formats when performing a subject or title search to find critical works, commentaries, translations, etc.:

Bible [division] [book] {chapter, if needed; Roman numeral}


Bible  [book] {chapter, if needed; Roman numeral}


Bible O.T. Genesis or Bible Genesis

Bible O.T. Job I or Bible Job I

Bible N.T. Matthew or Bible Matthew

A good workaround is to use keyword searches for the word "Bible" and the name of the Biblical book. The only difficulty arises when the book name is also a popular author name, such as Matthew, John, Mark, James, etc. For the latter, the subject approach may be preferable.

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Keyword searching is usually an easier way to start; enter two or three search words at most to begin.

Note that many books are indexed using a topic and then the subheading "religious aspects." For example, one good keyword search is "terrorism religious aspects."

Once you find a good book or two, make sure you check their subject terms in the full catalog description and make use of these terms as further search topics.

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